Well, here it is. My Positive Page. I figured after the research and reading I've had to do recently and the battles I've had with the HTML making my website, it would be good to think of nice and positive things.
At this moment, it is 1.00am Friday morning on November 27th, 1998 and my positive thought for now is to make a nice cup of tea and go to bed :)

At last! I've finally found a few of my favourite things to share with you. I'm not well versed in poetry, but two I recall and dearly love from my days at school are:
The Daffodils by William Wordsworth
The Brook by Alfred Lord Tennyson.

Here's something I've loved since I was 19 years old, when I first saw it on a poster in a local shop. I knew I'd not be allowed to have a poster up on my wall at home, but I just had to buy it. And, though I had to keep it hidden in my drawer, I read it often.. Now I have a lovely copper plaque of it on my hall wall. :) I'm not sure if it would be classed as poetry or prose, but in my opinion it's a most beautiful piece of philosophy. I'm sure if we could all live in this manner, then abuse and violence would be but a distant memory
Desiderata by Max Erhmann, 1927.

I thought you all might like to see my beautiful rose :) .. It was sent recently by a very special person and I thought it deserved to have pride of place on my Page :-)..

This is a lovely book. It was once given to me when times were bad, and I found it comforting, full of wisdom and very inspirational. I've given it away so very many times and now I pass it on to you. :). I hope you find something in it that will maybe speak to your heart as it did to mine. It's a really lovely book and I hope you enjoy it.
The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran
If you have enjoyed 'The Prophet', you might like to view a few more of Gibran's excellent works :)
Kahlil Gibran - 1883 - 1931
And staying with the Philosophical Theme
"An Eclectic Page"

How would you fancy 'getting away from it all' for a little while? These next few Links contain some really spectacular photographs. Far away lands can be right here under your nose (and you don't even need to get your coat! : )
Doesn't snow look lovely when you don't have to trudge through it!
Winter In Northumberland, England
(More of) Winter In Northumberland, England
In my opinion, the Lake District is one of the most beautiful places in England
Ulswater, The Lake District, England
Choose Your Own Favourite Scene from:
William Chan's Photo Page Breathtaking Views
Outdoor Images

Odds And Ends :)
Vellum Gallery Of Calligraphy, Illumination & Letter Art
A truly wonderful hobby ~ It's not easy, but it is very rewarding. I did two years of night school learning calligraphy and enjoyed every moment :)
Alfy.com: Children's Arts & Music - Crafts & Hobbies
Hobbies & Crafts from learnFREE.com

National Literacy Trust
I think reading is one of the greatest ways to lift yourself out of your situation. A book can teach and or entertain you. And the ability to read is probably the most treasured gift we can give our children. Here in Great Britain we've been trying to bring the joys of reading to everyone. So why don't you set aside some time each day to read a book? Try it, you might find you love it :-)
Here are some books I thoroughly enjoyed when I was young. You can read them online too.
Heidi by Johanna Spyri My all time favourite Children's Classic
The Bobbsey Twins At School by Laura Lee Hope
The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett
Pollyanna by Eleanor Porter
The Mysterious Affair At Styles by Agatha Christie
My Favourite Mystery Writer! My greatest ambition is to have a collection of all her books :-)
The Adventures Of Sherlock Holmes by (Sir) Arthur Conan Doyle
I've read almost all Sherlock Holmes Books, they're great!
These are some of the books I've always said I would read one day.
The Wisdom of Father Brown by G. K. Chesterton
The Wind In The Willows by Kenneth Grahame
Beowulf By Anon. (translated by Gummere)
The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde
The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood by Howard Pyle
The Thirty-nine Steps by John Buchan
She Stands Accused by Victor Macclure
Okay, so you might not fancy any of those I've listed :-) But, before you give up, have a look for yourself at this online Library - see if anything there catches your eye :-)
World Wide School Library

I've provided a Page for you to share things you enjoy, with the cyberworld :) Or maybe you would like to read what others have written