Women's abuse of men ignored

Saturday, July 22, 2000

Regarding the article "Domestic violence in spotlight" (July 18), I was annoyed to find only one sentence discussing women as batterers. I realize most victims of domestic violence are women. However, there is a strong need to address the other side as well.

Women know help is available, but there is an increasing number of men who are battered and do not know where to turn. Attention brought to domestic violence shows most abuse is learned behavior.

Women batterers are teaching their daughters, just as we accused men of teaching their sons, that this is proper behavior. It is not, and more attention needs to be drawn to this fact.

Men need to know it's all right to talk about this problem, and that there are places that can help. This problem is not gender-specific. The sooner society realizes this, we will be able to stop it instead of merely talking about it.

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