Alberta mother who killed child faces new abuse charges

Juliet Williams - Calgary Herald National Post
Monday, November 01, 1999

CALGARY - An Alberta mother convicted of murdering her three-year-old daughter in a sex-torture ritual in Salt Lake City, Utah, one year ago will stand trial on civil child abuse charges against her other daughter in December.

On Dec. 2, a family court judge in Salt Lake City will also decide who will have custody of Sarah Bluff, who turned three this week and is living with her father in Lethbridge, Alta., 215 kilometres south of Calgary.

Her mother, Ferosa Bluff, 27, and close family friend Andrew Fedorowicz, 46, were convicted July 16 of first-degree felony murder, second-degree felony child abuse and second-degree felony sexual abuse in Rebecca Bluff's death. They were sentenced to up to life in prison, though they have filed appeals. No hearing date has been set for their appeals.

A source close to the case said Utah's division of child and family services will make a recommendation to the court on what to do with Sarah, whom authorities allege was abused by her mother.

Alberta Child and Family Services authorities in Lethbridge are responsible for monitoring Sarah regularly, though Utah authorities have refused to cede custody because of concerns about whether the family is being watched closely enough.

A spokeswoman for Alberta Child and Family Services did not return phone calls requesting information about the court hearing.

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