Four children are without a father.
Four children are without a protector.
Four children are without a provider.
Four children are without a father’s love.
Four children are without a father’s caring.
Four children are without a father’s affection.
Four children are without a father’s understanding.
Four children will go on their first date without a father.
Four children will graduate without afather.
Four children will get married without a father.
Four children will have grandchildren without a father.
He hung himself!
Because the law didn’t guarantee his freedom and responsibility to parent.
Because his ex-wife didn’t value him as a father.
Because his ex-wife’s lawyer had no morals.
Because the presiding judge had no courage.
How many men do we have to bury?
How many children must suffer?
Before justice is served.
Before fathers are returned to their rightfull place in society.
And the family?
Message From Ashlee White, 14
Daughter of Darrin
"My dad was a very good father and wanted the best for
all four of his children.
His children at this time are 14, 10, 9, and 5.
All of us children were his life. He wanted everything he could
possibly give to his children and what he couldn't.
The most important thing he gave his children were his love, and being there for them.
He loved all of his kids equally, and with all his heart.
He was a kind man who faught a good fight but no matter what he did or said he could never win with this system.
Things need to change for all fathers going
through this same thing. We need to help, too many kids go without a
father becasue of this.
Too many kids are hurt.
My dad would never hurt anyone.
He was strong, caring and tried to
help as much as he could."
Sincerly with thought, Ashlee A D Barnett-White
To Reply to my message please send to
T. Vorsteveld March 21, 2000
"Non co-operation with injustice is a sacred duty." Ghandi