This is our opportunity to share the memories of those dear folk who have made a difference in our lives. Maybe they have been taken from us, or maybe life's circumstances have overtaken us and we no longer see them. Whoever they were, and wherever we met them, we all have someone in our lives who've helped us to find our way by making us smile, warming our hearts or just helping us see our life in a different way.
It's often long afterwards we realise just how special those people were, and perhaps we feel it's too late for the 'Thank You' we would like to say. Maybe our words will never be seen by the people we remember, but I'm sure it will be good for our souls to say those things we never had chance to say and to pay them the tribute they deserve.
John was my lover and friend.
He brought many things into my life
All of them good
His life was so short
But the things we shared
Will stay in my heart forever
Here's how one woman recalls her Grandpa
He braved imaginary monsters
He loved his garden
But most of all he loved his Family
Tribute To A Grandfather
If you'd like to pay a public tribute to someone
Please send me the details at:
This page was created on Tuesday, 25th April, 2000