Welcome To the 'Abuse Hurts Everyone' Web Site
Although I am against any and all forms of abuse, I began this web site to redress the severe lack of information, advice and support for abused men or anyone abused by a woman.
I hope you will find something here to help or inform you. Although much of what you read here may already be known to you, there may be information on the problems faced by others that is new to you. Whatever your reason for coming here, I hope you leave feeling a little more informed, enlughtened or, better still, stirred to action!
Throughout this Web Site I have copied information to keep it on this server. However, wherever possible, I have endeavoured to provide Links to the original sources.
The best advice I can give is that you take nothing you read online for granted. Go to the sources and verify everything. If any web site does not cite the source of the information or "facts" they are giving you, then it is possible that those must be suspect. Email the Web Master and ask where their information originated, if you get no joy, then perhaps you should not take their information too serously.
If you would like to make your own web site to innform the world of anything about which you have strong feelings, I hope you will find my "Speak Out!" Page useful.
If you would like to get away from this tragic and distressing subject for a while, why no go to my "Possitive Page" where you will find some famous poems, online books to read and a few other bits and bobs.
WARNING!! If you are still living with abuse or have been abused in your past, please be aware that some things on this web site may be be distressing or trigger off memories you may not be ready to deal with just yet. If you find yourself becoming overwhelmed, perhaps you could bookmark the Page and return at another time.

Chat Room
The Chat Room is free to use and doesn't require any special programmes. It's not Linked to any other Chat Place and I've given you the power to 'boot out' anyone who you feel is being disrespectful. I apologise that it does ask for name and e-mail address, there's nothing I can do about that just now - but, if you'd feel safer, you can always use a nickname in the mean time : ) By the way, if you would like to chat with me or any of your cyber friends, all you need do is arrange a time to meet. You can use this Link to help you with the World Time Differences if your friends are in other countries.
If you would like to contact me, I would love to hear from you : )
You are welcome to read or sign my guestbook :)
Except, right now, you can't.
It was deleted by 'glacierweb.com'
However, soon I will have a new Guest Book on this server,
so it will be safe from the politically correct "Thought Police"
Now, isn't THAT a Positive Thought! :o)

More than a Quarter Million Hits Served !
This Site was 'born' on 2nd January 1998
Site subsequently re-located to a different server 6th May 2001
Relocated to this server July 2014 and currently undergoing re-construction.